Saturday 6 December 2014

Whats been happening recently Jake?

Hello! I haven't blogged in a while, sorry I just don't have any inspiration or motivation to write this stuff until now. I thought I would tell you about whats been going on recently!

I have been off ill a few weeks ago I still have no idea whats wrong with me but oh well all good now!

Ive been spending a fair amount of time with the bae, Maya. She means the world to me and I love her. Sorry for getting soppy but yeah :p.
Here's some pictures from our night:

Yeah... sorry again you dont want to see all that... MOVING ON!

Its my birthday on Wednesday!!!!!! OMG
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear JAKE,
Happy birthday to me!
... I need some friends...
So yeah ill be 15 which means I am 6 months older than Maya... COOL!

Well thats all I have for you this time, thanks for reading!
Smell ya later, Jake!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

What Happened? Also christmas talk...

What are you doing?!?!

Hello! Yes I know i haven't blogged in a while but the old fountain of blog ideas is running dry, must be the winter. I have no idea what i'm writing in this blog, i'm running on fumes here. What am I even talking about? Good question! On with the blog!

So, December is a week today, you know what that means! CHRISTMAS! also my birthday with is the 10th, I'm going to be 15!! 6 months older than Maya, yet we are in the same year, strange.

I have literally no christmas gifts for anyone and have no ideas for any, totally organised!

Christmas is a good time of year with presents and family stuff even though this year, like many will be spent with close friends (we are not to fond of our family). Best part of Christmas is by far the food, its so nice and my mam has a little buffet thing where you can pick at food all day, its just really nice!

This year I have been appointed the entertainment chief ;) there is 2 younger girls coming so I have to entertain them some how... any ideas?

My birthday!! Its on the 10th and it is really cool. Its on a Wednesday I think? Calendar confirmed! I have no idea what i'm getting, same with christmas. My family keeps asking me what I want and the awkward potato I am i just stand with 0 ideas shrugging. Good going Jake! I usually just get money though, which is better because I can spend it on whatever I like... hehehe (evil laugh)

Thats all I have time for I think! Took me a few days to write this (again 0 ideas) If you have any ideas for blogs or vlogs for my youtube then comment them! Thanks for reading!

Smell ya later, Jake

p.s. FOR MAYAS EYES ONLY, I love you :p that is all. Goodbye!!

Monday 10 November 2014

Halloween/Bonfire night

So this week has brought us Halloween and bonfire night. Pretty cool and spooky overall, I have been to a bonfire party on Saturday and that was pretty cool.

There was fireworks, a massive fire that's burned surprisingly quickly, there were tons of people a lot of them a year older than me but I never really talked to them much. I just did my own thing mostly (I'm sociable I promise)

For Halloween I didn't really do much, the 30 October was the day I got Moderator on the FTC servers so j was talking to the admins all night really, with a few interruptions from trick or treaters but where I live not many come round so I mainly just sit and eat all the sweets, kind of awkward when there's none left and more people show up, oops.

Youtube wise I did a 3 part playthrough of the game killing floor, a zombie survival game which was made for halloween so that was awesome. YouTube isn't going to well at the minute though, still hovering  on 73 subs (I've been there for about 2 weeks) and my vlogging channel hasn't been active for 3 weeks although I have a few ideas for vlogs so keep an eye out for videos shortly!

The 3rd of November was me and Maya's 1 month anniversary thing :/ I guess you call it that, so that was pretty awesome. Hopefully lots more months to come.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

One Lovely Blog Award

Hello! Maya from ohemgeeitsmaya nominated me to do this so thanks!

1) Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog
2) List the rules and display the award
3) Add 7 facts about yourself
4) Nominate 15 other bloggers
5) Follow the person who nominated you

7 Facts about me:
 1) I used to live in Dubai
2) I have a beautiful girlfriend called Maya
3) I hate anything scary, especially jump scares!
4) I run 2 YouTube channels. Hairychimp123 which does gaming/mix videos, HairyVlogs which does vlogs, obviously
5) I used to have a dog called spike
6) I like food (come on who doesn't)
7) I have most socials you can find them here:

I don't have anyone to nominate but if you see this you can do it!

Smell ya later, Jake

Sunday 19 October 2014


So I just got an email from someone who read my blog and suggested doing this TMI tag thing where you answer 50 questions, I guess I'll do it! Here we go:

1) What are you wearing?

2) Ever been in love?
I still am ;)

3) Ever had a terrible breakup?
Not terrible no

4) How tall are you?
6ft exactly

5) How much do you weigh?
I have no idea, honestly

6) Any tattoos?
No I don't really like tattoos, my dad has loads and he said he really regrets getting them so Ivdont really want any.

7) Any piercings?

8) OTP
Took me a while to figure out what OTP means but I don't really watch a lot of love type films so I don't know, the only one I can think of is the people from Avatar, that was pretty cool

9) Favourite show?
How I met you mother! So sad it's finished :(

10) Favourite bands?
Snow patrol, Coldplay, Arctic monkeys stuff like that

11) Something you miss?
My dog, spike

12) Favourite song?
Coldplay, magic

13) How old are you?
I am 15 in December!

14) Zodiac sign?

15) Quality you look for in a partner?
Good personality I guess? Not too bothered about looks.

16) Favourite quote?
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" - Napolean Hill

17) Favourite actor?
Scarlett Johansson

18) Favourite colour?

19) Loud or soft music?
In between

20) Where do you go when you are sad?
I try not to show it and just carry on as normal I guess

21) How long does it take you to shower?
20 mins probably? I dont tend to time myself

22) How long does it take you to get ready?
Not long, I tend to be very rushed so have to do everything fast

23) Ever been in a physical fight?
On a daily basis with my brother, but never seriously

24) Turn on

25) Turn off

26) Reason I joined blogger?

Some of my friends blog and it seemed like a cool thing to do so I thought I would give it a try

27) Fears?
I get scared easily but I'm not really scared of anything? I'm weird

28) Last thing that made you cry?
My grandas funeral

29) Last time you said you loved someone?
Last night

30) Meaning behind your blogger name?
My youtube is Hairychimp123 and before that Hairychimp123 was my xbox gamer tag years and years ago

31) Last book you read?
Can't remember

32) Book you're currently reading?
No second chance by Harlan coben

33) Last show you watched?
8 out of 10 cats, last night

34) Last person you talked to?
Maya 2 seconds ago

35) Relationship between you and the last person you texted?
Maya, she's my girlfriend

36) Favourite food?
Changes on a daily basis but right now probably bacon

37) Place you want to visit?
Rio in Brazil

38) Last place you were?
Dubai, during the summer

39) Do you have a crush?
I used to but now we're together so all went well!

40) Last time you kissed someone?
Ages ago, can't even remember

41) Last time you were insulted?
Craig calling me very bad things I can't write down :p

42) Favourite flavour of sweet?
Again, this changes all the time but right now probably rhubarb and custard flavour.

43) What instruments do you play?
I play nothing

44) Favourite piece of jewellery?
I don't wear jewellery so I guess just my watch?

45) Last sport you played?
Please, I don't do sport

46) Last song you sang?
I don't sing

47) Favourite chat up line?
Girl when I see you I think if stars, only beautiful from a distance

48) Ever used it?
Not in a serious way no

49) Last time you hung out with someone?
You need friends for that!

50) Who should answer these questions next?

Nobody I know hasnt done it, maybe Jack Short but I don't know how active his blog is!

So thanks for reading! I hope you found out some interesting stuff about me! I'll see you all later people!

Friday 17 October 2014

What has happened this week?

So I thought every week I could so a brief summary of what has happened over the past week, just to keep you up to date on what I am doing.

Nothing too interesting has popped up this week except we have started an English controlled assessment :( pretty bad although I think I did quite well on the first 40 minute session I got 3 pages done with 3 paragraphs and an intro. Only 4 more paragraphs to go then a conclusion which should be pretty cool.

Second thing is that game wise a bunch of games came out free today and are staying all weekend including don't starve which is my kind of game, a survival, crafting things type game in an open world. So I played that for a while on stream at YouNow and it was pretty cool. 

Unfortunately nothing much else exciting has happened this week. Just a bit of this, but of that nothing too great so yeah short blog but informational all the same!
Thanks for reading! I'll see you all later!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Dubai Stories!

So, you want a real story not just a basic overview? Well you've come to the right place! It's like story galore over here oh yeah! So shall we get started or have some more ridiculous small talk? I think the first option is ideal:

So this story isn't really a set story it's more of memories of what happened in Dubai while I was there. Of course this was nearly 10 years ago so the memories are a little hazy but I'll see what I can remember, bare with me!

My first memory is a weird one, hotdogs. I know hotdogs aren't iconic at all but for me they remind me so much of Dubai! Every Friday I remember going after school to a shop called spennys (alternative to asda in England) and me and Luke (my brother) would run and buy a hotdog from a little stall thing and eat it while browsing the shop!

The second memory is again very strange and yes, is to do with food again. This memory is when my mam would be on playground duty there was a Main hall type place what sold all the hot meals so I used to go up to her and get some money off her to go buy a Chocolate cookie from the cafeteria. Ahhh good times.

Third memory is a good one, my 6th birthday! I remember my parents ordering in a real, proper party organisers with bouncy castles and stuff it was really cool, I don't remember it too well but I do remember getting a free pink elephant after the party was finished and a bunch of other things aswell! I still had that pink elephant until recently, I think it may have been thrown out but I'll always remember it 

So that's been it for today I've done 3 blogs today and I think it's gone pretty well. I've got to say I'm enjoying reliving some of these memories and writing them down for you to see, don't know why I didn't start blogging earlier! But I'll be back in a few days maybe with some more blogs and hopefully some more memories for you to have a read of! Also I've been wanting some similar blogs to read my self but I dont know any good ones, if you could recommend some that would be great! Thanks for reading people and I'll see you soon!

Getting to know me just a little bit more!

Alright so now you know me just a little bit more I thought I would share some interesting stories that I have had the pleasure of experiencing over the past nearly 15 years! The first of course is:

Living in Dubai:
Yes you read that right! I used to live in Dubai, UAE. (It's as glamorous as it looks)

I lived there when I was 5-7 so only 2 years but it was a great experience all the same. Firstly over there, there are no schools as such, only private schools. So I attended a school called the Dubai British School which was (as you can tell by the name) an English speaking school, which helped a lot considering I was only 5 not exactly gonna be able to speak Arabic fluently just yet. So I was put in the class 1a which meant nothing just a split class I guess and my mam got a job as a teaching assistant in class 1b so I wasn't with her but saw her all the time! My dad worked for a company called Higgs and Hill, a subcompany for the massive company BAM, which he works for now in a much better job. When he was working for Higgs and hill he helped to build the Movenpick in the Ibn Battuta Gate:

So that was all well and good until my mam and dad split up which ended our time in Dubai as we couldn't afford to stay there on our own (my dads company had payed for all the insurance and bills) so we moved back to the great place which is England and quickly got a house that I am still living in now! 

So yeah! There are plenty of interesting stories that I could tell you about my time on Dubai, not just from living there but from visiting often on holidays (I went this summer for example) so yeah if you would like to see some stories then stay tuned for more stories to be told!

First Blog! Q&A

Hello! My name is Jake also known as Hairychimp123 on YouTube and this is my first blog! First off I am an awful typer so expect spelling/grammar mistakes throughout!

So for my first blog I thought it would be a good idea to show to a sort of Q&A type thing? Maybe? I'm gonna do it anyway so listen up! Also check out my website:

Who are you?
My name is Jake and I am a typical student in Yr10.

How old are you?
I am 14 years old, 15 in December!

Where are you?
 I was born, raised and still am in the north of England near Newcastle! Pretty damn awesome place!

What type of person are you?
I am an extreme PC gamer but have consoles as well, I'm not fussy! I consider myself as quite a nice person I guess? Me and my friends tend to help each other out if somethings wrong so yeah!

What are your interests?
Well, I like many things but my main interests are probably gaming, video editing and making videos for YouTube! I have 2 YouTube channels at the moment, Hairychimp123 which does gaming and funny YTP type videos and HairyVlogs where, you guessed it, I make vlogs and post them on a magical thing called the internet!

Are you single?
This isn't but if you must know, no im not single I have a beautiful girlfriend who also blogs! You can see her blog here:

What's some of your favourite things?
Well, I like many things but foodwise my favourite changes regularily but right now I would say its Spaghetti Bolognaise!

Where are you socially? 
Younow (Livestreams):

So that's gonna be it for this blog I guess... Thanks for reading? How do you end blogs? Anyway I'll see you all soon!