Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What Happened? Also christmas talk...

What are you doing?!?!

Hello! Yes I know i haven't blogged in a while but the old fountain of blog ideas is running dry, must be the winter. I have no idea what i'm writing in this blog, i'm running on fumes here. What am I even talking about? Good question! On with the blog!

So, December is a week today, you know what that means! CHRISTMAS! also my birthday with is the 10th, I'm going to be 15!! 6 months older than Maya, yet we are in the same year, strange.

I have literally no christmas gifts for anyone and have no ideas for any, totally organised!

Christmas is a good time of year with presents and family stuff even though this year, like many will be spent with close friends (we are not to fond of our family). Best part of Christmas is by far the food, its so nice and my mam has a little buffet thing where you can pick at food all day, its just really nice!

This year I have been appointed the entertainment chief ;) there is 2 younger girls coming so I have to entertain them some how... any ideas?

My birthday!! Its on the 10th and it is really cool. Its on a Wednesday I think? Calendar confirmed! I have no idea what i'm getting, same with christmas. My family keeps asking me what I want and the awkward potato I am i just stand with 0 ideas shrugging. Good going Jake! I usually just get money though, which is better because I can spend it on whatever I like... hehehe (evil laugh)

Thats all I have time for I think! Took me a few days to write this (again 0 ideas) If you have any ideas for blogs or vlogs for my youtube then comment them! Thanks for reading!

Smell ya later, Jake

p.s. FOR MAYAS EYES ONLY, I love you :p that is all. Goodbye!!